The Career Flow Centre

Adaptive Reuse of Bell House

MArch 1 | 2022

The main objective of this project was the adaptive reuse of Manchester Metropolitan University’s Bell House. Currently used as office space by MMU Estates, their main objective for us was to create a Career Space.

One of the design schemes’ main goals is to achieve carbon zero as a response to the climate emergency. The aim is to design a technologically and culturally rich building for students, faculty, and professionals.

Through discourse with our client, MMU Estates, we were able to come up with a unique brief to design an experiential environment to increase collaboration in the career spaces through flow.

Through multiple design iterations, a spatial strategy was developed to explore the layout of space and identify a successful flow. These iterations were supported through the use of computational design tools and evolutionary algorithms.

This project was a group project between myself and my colleague, Mark Kovacs-Biro.


The Student Hive


Discourse Pavilion